Die Neverland-Ranch von Michael Jackson in Santa Maria, Kalifornien
Die Neverland-Ranch von Michael Jackson in Santa Maria, Kalifornien © picture-alliance / SCHROEWIG/Cyb/SCHROEWIG/News & Images | picture-alliance / SCHROEWIG/Cyb
Der Bahnhof der Neverland Ranch im Santa Ynez Valley nahe Santa Barbara (Foto aus dem Jahre 2003). Der Sänger Michael Jackson kaufte 1988 das Anwesen in Kalifornien samt Zoo und Vergnügungspark. Später musste er das Gelände - es ist fünf Mal größer als das Fürstentum Monaco - aus Geldnot verkaufen. Jackson, der selbernannte
Der Bahnhof der Neverland Ranch im Santa Ynez Valley nahe Santa Barbara (Foto aus dem Jahre 2003). Der Sänger Michael Jackson kaufte 1988 das Anwesen in Kalifornien samt Zoo und Vergnügungspark. Später musste er das Gelände - es ist fünf Mal größer als das Fürstentum Monaco - aus Geldnot verkaufen. Jackson, der selbernannte "King of Pop", ist tot. Der Sänger, einer der größten Popstars aller Zeiten, starb am Donnerstag (25.06.2009) unerwartet mit nur 50 Jahren. Foto: dpa +++(c) dpa - Report+++ © picture-alliance/ dpa/dpa | picture-alliance/ dpa
(dpa file)- A sign reading ?Neverland Valley? stands on the premises of the Neverland Ranch in the Santa Ynez Valley near Santa Barbara in 2003. US singer Michael Jackson bought the huge property with zoo and amusement park in 1988. Later, he had to sell the premises due to shortage of money. Michael Jackson, the self-appointed ?King of Pop?, died unexpectedly from a cardiac arrest on 25 June 2009, aged only 50, after suffering a cardiac arrest. When the ambulance arrived at his house in Los Angeles, Jackson had already stopped breathing; reanimation was not successful. Photo: dpa
(dpa file)- A sign reading ?Neverland Valley? stands on the premises of the Neverland Ranch in the Santa Ynez Valley near Santa Barbara in 2003. US singer Michael Jackson bought the huge property with zoo and amusement park in 1988. Later, he had to sell the premises due to shortage of money. Michael Jackson, the self-appointed ?King of Pop?, died unexpectedly from a cardiac arrest on 25 June 2009, aged only 50, after suffering a cardiac arrest. When the ambulance arrived at his house in Los Angeles, Jackson had already stopped breathing; reanimation was not successful. Photo: dpa © picture-alliance/ dpa/dpa | picture-alliance/ dpa
(dpa file)-The picture shows the entrance gate of Neverland Ranch in the Santa Ynez Valley near Santa Barbara in 2003. US singer Michael Jackson bought the huge property with zoo and amusement park in 1988. Later, he had to sell the premises due to shortage of money. Michael Jackson, the self-appointed ?King of Pop?, died unexpectedly from a cardiac arrest on 25 June 2009, aged only 50, after suffering a cardiac arrest. When the ambulance arrived at his house in Los Angeles, Jackson had already stopped breathing; reanimation was not successful. Photo: dpa
(dpa file)-The picture shows the entrance gate of Neverland Ranch in the Santa Ynez Valley near Santa Barbara in 2003. US singer Michael Jackson bought the huge property with zoo and amusement park in 1988. Later, he had to sell the premises due to shortage of money. Michael Jackson, the self-appointed ?King of Pop?, died unexpectedly from a cardiac arrest on 25 June 2009, aged only 50, after suffering a cardiac arrest. When the ambulance arrived at his house in Los Angeles, Jackson had already stopped breathing; reanimation was not successful. Photo: dpa © picture-alliance/ dpa/dpa | picture-alliance/ dpa
ARCHIV - Luftaufnahme vom 20.11.2003 vom Bahnhofsgebäude auf dem Anwesen von Michael Jacksons Neverland Ranch nahe Santa Barbara (Kalifornien). Fans von Michael Jackson werden auf dessen kalifornischer Neverland Ranch von dem Popstar Abschied nehmen. Genau eine Woche nach dem Tod des Sängers soll Jacksons Leiche am Donnerstag in das rund 200 Kilometer von Los Angeles entfernte Anwesen nahe Santa Barbara gebracht werden. Am Freitag soll dann die Öffentlichkeit Gelegenheit haben, den aufgebahrten Leichnam zu sehen, berichtete der US-Sender CNN. Für Sonntag sei eine Trauerfeier im Kreis der Familie geplant, hieß es weiter. Über den Beisetzungsort wurde zunächst nichts bekannt. Foto: Armando Aroriyo dpa +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
ARCHIV - Luftaufnahme vom 20.11.2003 vom Bahnhofsgebäude auf dem Anwesen von Michael Jacksons Neverland Ranch nahe Santa Barbara (Kalifornien). Fans von Michael Jackson werden auf dessen kalifornischer Neverland Ranch von dem Popstar Abschied nehmen. Genau eine Woche nach dem Tod des Sängers soll Jacksons Leiche am Donnerstag in das rund 200 Kilometer von Los Angeles entfernte Anwesen nahe Santa Barbara gebracht werden. Am Freitag soll dann die Öffentlichkeit Gelegenheit haben, den aufgebahrten Leichnam zu sehen, berichtete der US-Sender CNN. Für Sonntag sei eine Trauerfeier im Kreis der Familie geplant, hieß es weiter. Über den Beisetzungsort wurde zunächst nichts bekannt. Foto: Armando Aroriyo dpa +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © picture-alliance/ dpa/EPA | picture-alliance/ dpa
(dpa file)- The picture shows a big wheel and carousels at Neverland Ranch in the Santa Ynez Valley near Santa Barbara in 2003. US singer Michael Jackson bought the huge property with zoo and amusement park in 1988. Later, he had to sell the premises due to shortage of money. Michael Jackson, the self-appointed ?King of Pop?, died unexpectedly from a cardiac arrest on 25 June 2009, aged only 50, after suffering a cardiac arrest. When the ambulance arrived at his house in Los Angeles, Jackson had already stopped breathing; reanimation was not successful. Photo: dpa
(dpa file)- The picture shows a big wheel and carousels at Neverland Ranch in the Santa Ynez Valley near Santa Barbara in 2003. US singer Michael Jackson bought the huge property with zoo and amusement park in 1988. Later, he had to sell the premises due to shortage of money. Michael Jackson, the self-appointed ?King of Pop?, died unexpectedly from a cardiac arrest on 25 June 2009, aged only 50, after suffering a cardiac arrest. When the ambulance arrived at his house in Los Angeles, Jackson had already stopped breathing; reanimation was not successful. Photo: dpa © picture-alliance/ dpa/dpa | picture-alliance/ dpa