Die Zeit der Kirschblütensaison hat begonnen.

Cherry blossoms are seein in Tokyo Japan, 15 February, 2009 after highest temperature in Japanese capital reached to 23.9C. The temprature in Japanese capital was expected to mark around 17 degrees centrigrade on Sunday. Temperatures were reaching record highs for February at more than 100 locations throughout Japan and levels typically seen in July in a few cities. The temperatures shot up sharply in many parts of Japan as a warm air mass flowed in from the south, with the mercury reaching 26.8C in the city of Shizuoka and 26.1C in Odawara. EPA/KIMIMASA MAYAMA +++(c) dpa - Report+++
Cherry blossoms are seein in Tokyo Japan, 15 February, 2009 after highest temperature in Japanese capital reached to 23.9C. The temprature in Japanese capital was expected to mark around 17 degrees centrigrade on Sunday. Temperatures were reaching record highs for February at more than 100 locations throughout Japan and levels typically seen in July in a few cities. The temperatures shot up sharply in many parts of Japan as a warm air mass flowed in from the south, with the mercury reaching 26.8C in the city of Shizuoka and 26.1C in Odawara. EPA/KIMIMASA MAYAMA +++(c) dpa - Report+++ © dpa | picture-alliance/ dpa
ARCHIV: Eine Frau, die nach japanischer Tradition angezogen ist, guckt sich die Kirschblüte an (Anfnahme vom 3. April 2007 in Atami in Japan). Japaner lieben es, wenn die Bäume in Massen bei ihnen im Land blühen. Foto: EPA/EVERETT KENNEDY BROWN. Achtung: Honoararfrei nur für Bezieher des Dienstes dpa-Nachrichten für Kinder. +++(c) dpa - Nachrichten für Kinder+++
ARCHIV: Eine Frau, die nach japanischer Tradition angezogen ist, guckt sich die Kirschblüte an (Anfnahme vom 3. April 2007 in Atami in Japan). Japaner lieben es, wenn die Bäume in Massen bei ihnen im Land blühen. Foto: EPA/EVERETT KENNEDY BROWN. Achtung: Honoararfrei nur für Bezieher des Dienstes dpa-Nachrichten für Kinder. +++(c) dpa - Nachrichten für Kinder+++ © DPA | picture-alliance/ dpa
Visitors to Yasukuni Shrine in Tokyo, Japan, take photos of cherry blossoms Monday, March 22, 2010. It's officially cherry blossom season again in Tokyo. The Japanese Meteorological Agency said Monday that the country's capital was officially in bloom, a closely watched announcement that marks the start of the yearly cherry blossom viewing season. (AP Photo/Koji Sasahara)
Visitors to Yasukuni Shrine in Tokyo, Japan, take photos of cherry blossoms Monday, March 22, 2010. It's officially cherry blossom season again in Tokyo. The Japanese Meteorological Agency said Monday that the country's capital was officially in bloom, a closely watched announcement that marks the start of the yearly cherry blossom viewing season. (AP Photo/Koji Sasahara) © AP | AP
In einem Wassergraben der Naehe des oestlichen kaiserlichen Palastgartens fahren meist Paare oder kleine Familien mit Ruderbooten auf dem mit Kirschblueten bedeckten Wasser. Ein lachendes Paar geniesst die maerchenhafte Kulisse.
In einem Wassergraben der Naehe des oestlichen kaiserlichen Palastgartens fahren meist Paare oder kleine Familien mit Ruderbooten auf dem mit Kirschblueten bedeckten Wasser. Ein lachendes Paar geniesst die maerchenhafte Kulisse. © picture-alliance / Frank Dünzl/Picture Alliance | picture-alliance / Frank Dünzl
Kirschblüte Japan Unter den Kirschbluetenbaeumen im Ueno-Park feiern Jung und Alt neben den vorbeistroemenden Massen die Kirschbluete. Die Plaetze unter den Baeumen werden mit Planen belegt und schon einige Zeit vor der Feier reserviert.
Kirschblüte Japan Unter den Kirschbluetenbaeumen im Ueno-Park feiern Jung und Alt neben den vorbeistroemenden Massen die Kirschbluete. Die Plaetze unter den Baeumen werden mit Planen belegt und schon einige Zeit vor der Feier reserviert. © picture-alliance / Frank Dünzl/Picture Alliance | picture-alliance / Frank Dünzl
A Geisha walks under cherry trees in full bloom in the gardens of the Kiyomizu Temple in Kyoto, Japan, Friday 02 April 2004. Cherry blossoms have a profound poetic meaning for the Japanese people and the flower often appears in traditional art. The falling petals are said to symbolize the fleeting nature of life for the Japanese people. Foto: KIMIO IDA dpa
A Geisha walks under cherry trees in full bloom in the gardens of the Kiyomizu Temple in Kyoto, Japan, Friday 02 April 2004. Cherry blossoms have a profound poetic meaning for the Japanese people and the flower often appears in traditional art. The falling petals are said to symbolize the fleeting nature of life for the Japanese people. Foto: KIMIO IDA dpa © picture-alliance / dpa/dpaweb/EPA | picture-alliance / dpa/dpaweb
21/04/2008 ; FUJIYOSHIDA, Japan. Cherry blossoms are in full bloom against the backdrop of a snow-capped Mt. Fuji, its crater covered by an umbrella-shaped cloud on April 21, 2008. Foto: Kyodo/MAXPPP +++(c) dpa - Report+++
21/04/2008 ; FUJIYOSHIDA, Japan. Cherry blossoms are in full bloom against the backdrop of a snow-capped Mt. Fuji, its crater covered by an umbrella-shaped cloud on April 21, 2008. Foto: Kyodo/MAXPPP +++(c) dpa - Report+++ © picture-alliance/ dpa/Kyodo/MAXPPP | picture-alliance/ dpa