Aufgabe (Allgemeinbildung Naturwissenschaften, 8. Schuljahr):

Was ist ein Halbleiter?

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Die Antworten von gestern

Aufgabe (Englisch, 9. Schuljahr):

Setzen Sie die richtige Form des Futurs ein: Anna ... (be) sixteen this summer. She ... (have) a big party with all her friends and hopes they ... (give) her great presents. Her parents ... (not, be) home as they ... (fly) to Greece for their summer holidays.

Lösung: Anna will be sixteen this summer. She is going to have a big party with all her friends and hopes they will give her great presents. Her parents will not be home as they are going to fly to Greece for their summer holidays.

Aus: Lernplus Englisch 9./10. Schuljahr, Schroedel